How to persuade people to stop drinking

Living with alcohol is not something that girls dream about on their wedding day. It’s hard to imagine someone willing to "live happily forever" with a person addicted to alcohol, endure his own aggression or complaints about life, take care of him, take care of him, and feel about his behavior in front of neighbors, colleagues, friends and friendsDisgust and shame. relatives. If nothing can make him overcome the desire to drink, it is not surprising that the alcoholic marriage has broken down. Despite this, there are still some brave women fighting for their families. They have taken various measures against alcoholics with the same goal-in order to prevent their husband from drinking, lest he ruin his life (includingHimself and his relatives). Intoxicating drink.

Constructive dialogue

The first thing to do is to convince him. If the desire to drink is associated with problems outside of the family (e. g. work, career, friends), and if the alcoholism does not go too far, then he can easily stop with the support of relatives.

Constructive dialogue

Only after careful preparation and consideration of certain rules, constructive conversations can be conducted:

  • You cannot talk to a person until they are back in a proper state and can understand reasonable arguments.
  • When experiencing the "pleasure" of a hangover, you should not try to convince alcoholic beverages;
  • It is not advisable to try to arouse mercy, or on the contrary, to scandal the drinker (even in a sober state), which usually requires attention;
  • You can threaten alcoholics, but it is important to prepare for the threat;
  • Before starting the conversation, it is recommended to consult an anesthesiologist so that the alcoholic (if there is such a desire) can go to the clinic for treatment immediately.

If the wife manages to prove to the drinking husband that he needs help and convince him to at least try to change his life, then the man will have a chance. It also helps to draw up a so-called "motivation checklist". There are many reasons you can come up with. Getting rid of alcoholism is not only easy, but also beneficial. For example:

  • Win the respect of children;
  • Save money for a month of major purchases or vacation trips;
  • can learn something new without getting drunk or starting a career.

Everyone’s reason can be personal. You can be motivated by hobbies, such as participating in sports or playing with cars in the garage, mainly because he spends all his free time on this matter and does not drink or accompany him. You may need the help of a psychotherapist.

When persuasion disappears

Dialogue, belief, pleading-in most cases, this is not enough to wake up the conscience.It is not advisable to create scandals for drinkersIt is rarely possible to prove to the drinker that his lifestyle is destructive, because even if he believes in this lifestyle, his own power to fight alcohol addiction may not be enough. On the contrary, the best treatments are traditional medicine and folk remedies.

Industrial pharmacological drugs are designed to make people who drink alcohol have a feeling of rejection of alcohol. They can cause aversion to drinking, its appearance, taste and smell. It is enough to mix a similar drug with an alcoholic beverage and add it to food or drink. If he drinks vodka or even beer in addition, he will feel uncomfortable immediately. Drugs with this effect contain active substances (or disulfiram or cyanamide), which interfere with normal ethanol processing, cause the accumulation of metabolites in the blood, and thus cause persistent symptoms of poisoning and hangovers. People who get sick at least once after alcoholism will not drink for a long time. If you add similar medications (Esperal tablets, Kolme drops and their analogs) to a drunkard, you can make him think twice before taking another dose of alcohol.

After the drug starts to work, you can persuade alcoholic beverages to receive treatment by describing the benefits of treatment in the drug treatment clinic:

  • Continuously monitor the health status;
  • Psychological support is especially important for preventing recurrence;
  • Provide qualified assistance to repair internal organs damaged by alcohol abuse.

Under the supervision of an anesthesiologist, treatment in a hospital is the best anti-alcohol therapy, and it does not actually fail.

Alternative medicines against overeating are more ingenious in how to stop patients from drinking. The folk method recommends preparing decoctions and infusions similar to the official drugs, and telling the completely original treatment​​:

Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist
  • Green bugs-you can pour 4 bugs into a glass of alcohol to cause unpleasant odors and tastes, thereby avoiding the alcohol itself.
  • Pepper-You can persuade someone to give up dose a (3 drops per 1 liter of alcohol), which is made from red pepper (20 grams crushed), filled with alcohol (500 ml), and infusedTwo weeks;
  • Birch smoke-You can ask to breathe the smoked birch logs and then provide alcohol, after which you will strongly object to alcohol-containing products.

It is important to understand that even if there is no traditional folk method, treatment should be performed without the supervision of a specialist, but you should be extra cautious, otherwise a person may not only hate drinking and desire to stop drinking, but alsoSerious health problems can occur.

The final stage of the struggle

When all the methods of struggle are exhausted, there is only one last resort: if the husband does not stop drinking, he must threaten him to leave. At the same time, this is also important for the wives of alcoholics:

  • Be prepared to threaten without multiple warnings (1-2 times is enough);
  • Seriously leave her husband without causing pity and making him beg for forgiveness;
  • Don’t believe in promises, oaths and tears;
  • Start your business hard and quickly-if the house is an alcoholic, you need to take out your things in his absence and stay with the kids for a while.
  • He will not return to the drunk until he truly proves that he has begun treatment.

If you didn't leave and return for the first time, you should not return to your alcoholic husband: sooner or later he will understand that no matter how drunk he is, his wife cannot actually leave him.

To get rid of the wine in the house, do not allow drinking to occupy an important place in the banquet, and "take away" unreliable friends out of the house. …This is much easier than the means of "poisoning" your spouse to cause aversion to ethanol. A good example is a good reason to keep no one in the family drinking.